Victoria U.
I’ve never time how my skin care routine. I wash my face, use a toner, and then apply a moisturizer. I’d like to do a mask once a week but I tend to forget.
Martina O.
I do it everyday, morning and evening, and it usually takes up to 10-15 minutes if i try really hard, but on a regular day it’s 10 minutes max. It’s actually one of my favorite bits of the day.
Sarah F.
It takes me about 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening. I always put sun cream on my face. I don't exfoliate weekly.
Rebecca N.
About 20 minutes every day. I usually wash my face twice a day but these days I can only manage to do it about once a day. I cleanse, tone, and moisturize to make sure my skin gets everything that it needs.
Tish U.
I wash and moisturize my face every morning. I try to wash and moisturize every night, but occasionally I fall asleep before. I gently exfoliate about 1x per week and do a moisturizing mask about 1x per week.
Karen U.
Twice a day. About 15 minutes in total, but I have bad skin. It’s very textured and I have acne. So it took me a long time to break into a routine.
Katherine C.
I alot 5 minutes in the morning and at night to take care of my skin. On thing I never go without is sunscreen even if I'm planning on being in the office most of the day. Even the ambient light from windows can have an impact on your skin! Weekly I do a deep chemical exfoliation to help with the texture of my skin from acne scarring.
Alysha N.
My skincare usually takes about 10–15 mins and I do it morning and night. I always make sure to moisturize. Weekly I will do some sort of mask.