From having succumb to such fate many times over, I am experiencing success this time around by knowing why I am doing what I’m doing, believing wholeheartedly that I need to do it, not just a want, and making constant reminders to myself in different forms of my goals.
I have taken to journaling every night – which keeps me accountable to my new habits. This comes with a phone alarm and a routine to itself. If I miss the evening journal, I make up for it the very next morning.
The biggest accountability factor though is my wife. I keep her up to date with my pursuits and their success or failure and she keeps me honest when I’m not feeling strong enough to self-start. Telling her of my success everyday is my “Celebrate” as part of my morning routine.
Bottom line, know your why, have constant reminders, be kept accountable and be kind to yourself if you mess up, fix it as soon as possible.
Good luck on your journey!
Hope that helps!