Diogo N.
My most important priority is ALWAYS my 9 yr old. I then prioritize those things which will most enrich my life. I also weigh potential consequences of not getting something done. Sometimes I miss the mark so I forgive myself, make the necessary adjustments and move forward. Always forward.
Valente Q.
What has to be done immediately and or effects someone else. What has to be completed in one hour, two hours, three hours, etc. remove anything that can be completed tomorrow.
Arianna C.
There's an exercise that you can do. I believe it's called the Eisenhower Matrix. Very helpful in this case to determine just how important tasks are.
Shaun U.
I like to have a plan at the start of a project or a clear job description at the start of a job and reference that at points of confusion! Sometimes it's easy to get sidelined by a timesuck that isn't working towards an overall objective so this is quite a handy process to check that. Obviously there's always extceptions to the rule. Ultimately conversations, asking questions and sharing insights help to drill down to the right priorities. It's not always easy to see them on your own.
Florence Y.
I have so many things I need to do that I’m working on a deadline basis. Eventually I will be able to get ahead of my crisis mode and be able to plan on advance what my most important tasks are. I’m getting closer to being able to just maintain my paperwork and budgets so I can concentrate on making more sales.
Mitchell P.
It is simple. Time factor need to be taken into consideration. Which one has a deadline in the vicinity. And also to be considered is what is more important to you. These two factors might help us reign in prioritising.