Roger Z.
Yes, I like to meditate in the morning after I excersice and have a good breakfast, also at night before going to sleep 🙂
Laurine Y.
My favorite time of meditation is early morning. In my morning ritual, after rising up, I will have a glass of water and have my prayer then it is the time. I’m also thinking of the time before sleep as the second time for meditation, but not yet trying yet.
Isabella F.
Yeah😀definitely in the evening. I will be meditating in the morning after exercise so that I am fit and ready for the day ahead.
Jonathan C.
My favorite time is first thing in the morning to set me on the right path for the day,then again before bed to calm myself and ease into sleep.
Brandon E.
I like to have my prayer and bible reading time at 6 in the morning before the kids get up. It grounds me for the day and gives me more patience and love for them. In fact although the kids may not see me doing this they often notice if I haven't just by my lack of peace. That's my story. Hope that helps you.
Tiago Y.
Yes I do! And it's at night
At night I have time to reflex on the day. To be grateful for all I was able to accomplish. It still may be a difficult time to do that at just because it takes me time to get home so I have to rush into things to be in bed quickly but it still the best time for me to do so because I can reflect on the day.
At night I have time to reflex on the day. To be grateful for all I was able to accomplish. It still may be a difficult time to do that at just because it takes me time to get home so I have to rush into things to be in bed quickly but it still the best time for me to do so because I can reflect on the day.
Kelly O.
My most favourite is in the am but I also enjoy before I go to bed, at the end of the day! Trying to make space in your head to meditate and quiet your thoughts any time of the day is beneficial!!
Leiloca P.
Hello. The first thing after drinking the glass of water and changing out of bed clothes, I find it best. But also right after teaching a heavy course. Best!
Birgitta X.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed I meditate.
Some time that would be a little after my kids come home🙂
Some time would be before bed time or in the morning
Whenever I seek rest or rest
Whenever I feel overwhelmed I meditate.
Some time that would be a little after my kids come home🙂
Some time would be before bed time or in the morning
Whenever I seek rest or rest
Josip E.
In the morning when everyone is asleep, around noon when no-one is at home, and lastly while smoking a joint gazing up at the stars and knowing one day soon… I'm coming home. I'm coming home.
Hugo Y.
I preffer to meditate at night before bed time because it's the quitest time of the day and I can relax without any outside Interference
Irmino N.
Meditation is usually the first thing I do when I get up! I sit for 5 minutes and try to ground myself in the present moment. Staying present is much harder than I thought it would be! So I try to start my day off with a reminder by meditating on it.
Recently I have been journaling (committing to my plans) first thing, and when I do I write this reminder: “Remember, time is a-passin’! You spend every moment doing something, so make sure you’re using it to do Future Self some favors. If you want something later, you need go work on it right now!”
This helps as a reminder right before I meditate too, and makes it a little easier to focus and set my day up for success.
Recently I have been journaling (committing to my plans) first thing, and when I do I write this reminder: “Remember, time is a-passin’! You spend every moment doing something, so make sure you’re using it to do Future Self some favors. If you want something later, you need go work on it right now!”
This helps as a reminder right before I meditate too, and makes it a little easier to focus and set my day up for success.
Angela F.
Well I have been meditating in the evening as a way to unwind before bed. But from time to time I have done it in the middle of the day to release and step bak from the workday rushes. I thought I would do it in the morning but in reality in the morning it’s usually go
Go go. I would worry to much about getting to work on time if Itried to meditate in the morning . Hwvr my morning walk with music is peaceful. If vigorous, so it’s kind of meditative.
Go go. I would worry to much about getting to work on time if Itried to meditate in the morning . Hwvr my morning walk with music is peaceful. If vigorous, so it’s kind of meditative.
Clarence P.
Yes, at day light: when sun wakes up until 15h00. Like I can meditate in any of those time. But I prefer just after I wake up (06h30).
Emma W.
Not yet…I am still learning how to do this, still experimenting and trying different times, lighting, positions, etc.
Michelle Z.
Yes, right after I get up early in the morning, I brush, drink a glass of water and sit to meditate for 15 minutes! That is the time the day that I am less distracted and have the most will power!
William C.
I find scheduling meditation does not work for me.
I've tried during my morning routine, the evening routine, tried starting an afternoon routine with meditation.
If I had the luxury to have live my life in groundhog day with Bill Murray, I could have scheduled mediation times.
My life is too messy for that. When I notice I am in need of calm, I stop and take a deep breath. I take in my surroundings and make a conscious decision to be mindful. Meditation is an option. But what are you trying to clear your mind about? Do you need to forget? Or do you need to clarify? Breathe
I've tried during my morning routine, the evening routine, tried starting an afternoon routine with meditation.
If I had the luxury to have live my life in groundhog day with Bill Murray, I could have scheduled mediation times.
My life is too messy for that. When I notice I am in need of calm, I stop and take a deep breath. I take in my surroundings and make a conscious decision to be mindful. Meditation is an option. But what are you trying to clear your mind about? Do you need to forget? Or do you need to clarify? Breathe
Don J.
I meditate both in the morning and before I sleep, but I think I enjoy meditating in the morning more. I say this because it gives me a good mindset to start the day with, one where I am conscious of my goals and my being and not waking up just because I need to go to work and make money. At night before I sleep is also quite good, because it gives me time to reflect on my day and what I did or didn’t do that was in line with my goals and inner ambitions.
Marilde A.
I usually meditate in the very early morning, first thing when I wake up but I do know I get more benefits if I meditate during the day if I actively remember to take a break from my day midway when I am extremely busy and in a hectic mode. That is when I experience most benefit from it
Alberte C.
No, you can meditate anytime of the day depending on how well u train your mind towards it and it really helps you to be calm throughout the day
Cory O.
I myself like to meditate in the mornings before all he’ll break loose. Waking children up for school, getting my husband up for making sure breakfast done , dogs feed and walked so yes in the morning
Martha U.
I prefer to meditate in the evening, just before doing my gratitude journal entry for the day, and heading to sleep. I feel it helps me settle my thoughts for the night. When I am in a high stress period of time though, in addition to the evening round, I add shorter sessions during the day, whenever I start feeling overwhelmed.
Marie P.
I started meditating as part of the fabulous night time journey, so got used to doing it right before bed. It really helps me calm my mind before reading a book and sleeping. Having said that, I think it could also be great to do another session in the morning to get a good setup for the day. With two small kids, I struggle to find any quiet time in the morning so keep it to night time only, and it works very well. Hope you find a time that works well for you 🙂
Josiane W.
First thing in the morning before I get in the shower.
I don't even turn on the light. I just change rooms and sit on my meditation pillow. Or immediately before I go to bed. Sets the one and calms my mind for sleep.
I don't even turn on the light. I just change rooms and sit on my meditation pillow. Or immediately before I go to bed. Sets the one and calms my mind for sleep.
Lucille O.
I usually meditate in the mornings using Headspace to set a proper tone for my day. However, if I find myself needing to relax or recenter later, I go to the app Calm. For me Headspace offers a more focused, alert, and mindful experience whereas Calm has a more serene, pleasant, and soothing effect. Calm also promotes mindfulness, but I find it hard to do in the mornings as it puts me to sleep.