As per a typical Indian, what gain should I consume at breakfast?

Aleu N.
Oats, semolina (dalia) are good sources of healthy carbohydrates and proteins. Chickpeas and chickpea flour (besan) is another one. Hope that helps!
Brittany U.
Well I’m not Indian so I’m not sure. But what I’ve learned over the years is that I can lose weight. When I eat breakfast right after waking up. I also learned that a vegan breakfast makes me feel more light than other non breakfasts did before. I guess when I think about it that’s why I never wanted to eat breakfast in the morning cause it always felt to heavy in my stomach. Now it’s not so bad. Also I really need to move out by March 31st
Be Z.
It should be sticky rice because you will fill full only a bunch of it if compare to other kind of rice. Boiled egg fried egg are recommended, sometime it could be soup ( white rice ).