What is your yearly reading goal?

Shruti O.
My yearly reading goals is split into monthly goals. I aim to achieve reading two books per month for now and will increase the number accordingly.
Mc Kenna Q.
Honestly I had not had one but with the decluttering challenge Im going to try and read all my books in the next couple months before donating them
Milan Q.
My yearly Reding goal is about 💯 books per year. However some years I tend to read more or some years I tend to read less. My goal for reading this year is definitely 100 books. What about you?
Ronald O.
I used to read books in my childhood on a regular basis which made me happier but with time I guess it just faded away and now I can’t finish a book sooner so I read 2-3 books a year which I need to improve to 20-30 books a year