Any suggestions for breakfasts to prepare beforehand (either in batches or the night before)?

Mima C.
Overnight oats:
120g 0% fat Greek yoghurt
1 scoop protein powder
40g oats
Splash of oat/almond milk

Just mix it all together with any mix ins you like such as frozen berries or chocolate chips and it will keep you full for ages!

Amalie B.
Oatmeal, or muesli or take some pulses, let them soak through night, blend in morning, add spices and make kind of a pancake but not sweet and way healthier, indian dish called chila you could yt it
Zoya X.
Here are some options you can make:
1 Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats 2 Make Breakfast Casserole
3 Veggie packed sandwichs
4 Bacon and avacado egg cups
Palma P.
I keep my onions pre-diced every day, as well as place my prepared frijoles(beans) in a separate container. It's easy to make my quesadillas in less than twenty minutes. Every ingredient can be individually kept and used in a matter of seconds, which can apply to many dishes.