Allison S.
I honestly don’t know how to answer this as it takes me a good year or so to read one book. I had a short attention span when it comes to reading and I get bothered by other noises that distract me. It’s only been recently that I’ve made the effort to read every day even if it’s just a few pages. I feel the achievement either way when it’s finally finished and I can move to another book.
Cee J G.
Find a book that REALLY intrigues you, even if it's something you read before. When I'm in reading rut, I think about books I loved as a child, even though they might be simpler, and re-read them, because that same magic happens again,and I can't put it down!
Manuela Z.
I think if you don't like the book you shouldn't finish it. If you want to finish it so read a bit everyday or most of the days
Amanda O.
Gift yourself time to focus on this one task. It's difficult to stay focused on reading when you have a ton of others things on your to-do list, so set yourself up for success. Read at the very beginning of your day, before you write your to-do list, or at the very end of your day after your to-do list is complete.