How long do you read for and why?

Aretta F.
I read to understand more, to build up my vocabulary and for fun. Written word demands imagination, I can create my own movie during reading. If I really get into a story I read till book is finished.
Daddy O.
I read for 30 minutes before bed. If I don’t, my mind wanders & I get anxiety. If I don’t read I go down the rabbit hole of the interwebs. Reading is good for me to learn & have break from technology.
Rebecca X.
As a writer, I consider reading part of my job. It’s important to improve my writing skills and increase my creativity. I try to read for at least 15 minutes every day. But I often read more, depending on how the day goes.
Daniel J.
I read news and blogs in the morning during my commute, but I make a point of only reading things from sources that are worth taking time out of my day to read. I read one chapter of a nonfiction book as an afternoon break. Then I read for 15-30 min in bed as I’m falling asleep (a great way to help with the Disconnect & Unplug habit; my phone gets put on silent and I read on my Kindle til I’m ready to sleep).
Abel A.
Currently I read in the small spaces I have during the day. I go to work a little early and sit in my car for a few minutes and read. Other times are a few minutes before bed, while eating a meal, or just when I realized I’ve accomplished everything I need to and want to sit and relax.
Isaac U.
I’m planning a trip to Japan. I’m reading books to learn more about Japanese history and culture so that I can appreciate my time there. I usually read for half an hour.