Your Plan: Schedule and Kickoff

Learn an Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones

Thanks for filling out the setup questionnaire. It's very useful to learn more about you to create a customized plan. The plan we prepared for you is not an arbitrary journey, it’s a scientific one.
The Fabulous 8-week premium program kicks off on Mon Jul 04 2022
Month 2:  Building an Iron-Core of Self-Discipline
Learn how to develop your self-discipline and how to plan out every day with ruthless methodism. Successfully practicing self-control begets greater self-control: The more we do it, the better we get. And we will show you how.
Month 1: Start an Exercise Habit to Create a Reservoir of Energy
We will first start implementing a daily exercise habit by integrating a new mindset centering on the idea that exercising is a privilege — not a chore mandated by scientists and health experts.

Get access to the full customized plan

Begin a Transformative Journey that will take you deep into the realm of your being
$4.16/month after free trial
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Billed as one payment

With Fabulous Premium, you will start a new journey of self-discovery

We are all simply humans.

“When we return from a vacation it’s all too easy to stop our long established exercise routine. When we’re feeling tired, we might have difficulties sitting down to work, despite all the solemn promises we made to ourselves just the day before. But you can conquer these predictable and less than desirable habits. Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, you will start introducing small alterations that will allow you to see your behavior in a new light. You will become a person who is always in the act of becoming. I told you: We have a plan for you.”

Sami B. Chief Motivator
As Dan Ariely once put it:

“We usually think of ourselves as sitting the driver's seat, with ultimate control over the decisions we made and the direction our life takes; but, alas, this perception has more to do with our desires -with how we want to view ourselves- than with reality.”

Dan Ariely Fabulous Advisor, Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics in Duke University
1 Month
of Unlimited Journeys
Start Today
$14.99/mo billed monthly
12 Months
of Unlimited Journeys
30-Day Free Trial
Billed annually, equal to just $4.16/month
Join free for a month

The Premium Journeys

You will get immediate access to new journeys when they start being released on a bi-monthly basis:

14 Journeys will be the harbinger of a new life for you.

Each month, one new journey of your choice will open for you to give you enough time to fully experience it. We know that we’re living in a time of binge-watching and instant rewards, but we’ve seen time and time again that it’s better in term of behavior change to take things one at a time.
Pillars of Self-Esteem
Pillars of Self-Esteem
How to live a wiser life, and build the compassion you need to deal with all of the ups and downs you will experience.
Start an Exercise HabitStart an Exercise Habit
Start an Exercise Habit
Finally build that daily exercise habit by integrating a new mindset centering on the idea that exercising is a privilege not a chore mandated by scientists and health experts.
Mental Fitness
Mental Fitness
Increase your mental agility through well-targeted meditation and exercise sessions. You will accomplish this by focusing on the habits that are scientifically proven to empower you with more raw intelligence.
Building an Iron Core of Self-Discipline
Learn how to develop your self-discipline and how to plan out every day with ruthless methodism.

People just like you achieved great results using our Fabulous App

The 30-minute coaching experience I had through the Fabulous app has changed my life. My coach Maša offered several questions for me to answer and several brilliant suggestions that I was able to act on immediately. Her guidance in that short session gave me the tools I needed to develop the workout habits I’d been unsuccessfully trying to develop for 10+ years. It has been about 5 months since that session and I have not missed one morning workout. It only took a couple weeks for my morning workouts to feel like a reward rather than a punishment.

I feel empowered and hopeful, because a small habit like a 10-minute workout has a domino effect, so now I am eating and sleeping well too. I recommend this coaching to anyone who feels stuck, and anyone who is ready for more in life.

I always thought coaching was for those with their head in the clouds. Ironically, going to coaching lifted my head from looking down and looking at the sky. More became possible simply by being challenged to look up into the air. Coaching is valuable because it gets us unstuck from our ways of thinking into new perspectives that can revolutionize our life one small step at a time.
I've been using the fabulous app for a couple of years, which I've found very useful and interesting. I'd been gradually building some habits, but wanted a kick to speed up my learning and apply the principles.

I found the process very useful for redirecting my time and focus to the most relevant aspects of forming a habit. My head was a little scrambled to begin with, I was trying to do multiple habits at once - Masa helped me to focus in on one key habit which I've worked on and improved. I

feel that coaching is useful for anyone who is having trouble applying habit building principles, needs a little help to get the ball rolling, and is short on time.

New Scientific Trainings & Sessions

Meticulously crafted and constantly updated, these sessions will help you along in your Premium Journey.

Mental ToughnessMental Toughness
Mental Toughness
The most popular training in Fabulous Premium: strengthen your mindset and create an indomitable resolve using the same visualizations and meditations employed by elite athletes.
Do Anywhere ExerciseDo Anywhere Exercise
Do Anywhere Exercise
An intense 10-min exercise session that will push both your endurance and strength: it's more intense than the 7-min session, doesn't require any equipment and can be performed everywhere.
The Mind BusThe Mind Bus
The Mind Bus
A scientifically proven session to help you extinguish your mental hijackers. Get rid of the stressful thoughts that become an obstacle between you and a fulfilling life.
4 Hours Deep Work4 Hours Deep Work
4 Hours Deep Work
Imagine what you could do if you dedicated 4 hours to deep, meaningful, and creative work? Use this ultra-satisfying session that will help you fight temptation and plunge  into a state of flow.
1 Month
of Unlimited Journeys
Start Today
$14.99/mo billed monthly
12 Months
of Unlimited Journeys
30-Day Free Trial
Billed annually, equal to just $4.16/month
Join free for a month
The Fabulous